On May 21, 2011 a total of 36 students came to the UConn Storrs campus to compete in the Connecticut K-12 High School Chess Championships. This year fielded a diverse array of players, ranging from seasoned National Master Harry Wheeler to first-grader Tyrell Staples. Numerous other elementary and middle school students participated in the tournament to gain experience. In addition to Harry Wheeler, the tournament attracted two other National Masters, Alex Fikiet and Daniel Rozovsky.
After exciting play, Harry Wheeler took first place with a perfect 4/4 score, followed by dark horse competitor Timothy Lung (rated only 1679) on tie breaks. Tying with Timothy were Michael Finneran and Daniel Rozovsky, and following the play-off, the prizes were awarded in the following order: Timothy Lung, Michael Finneran and Daniel Rozovsky.
Rounding out the top five performers was Timothy’s older brother, James Lung. The top team prize went to Hall Memorial High School, whose members included Daniel Rozovsky, Ben Siegel, Kernan Majerus-Collins, and David Dobrynin.
Participants agreed the tournament was very well run by Tournament Director, Timothy Hartley, who made it a great experience.